Tuesday, November 28, 2006

An Ipod Classroom - Journal 2

If the Ipod casting were to be only for seminars or some important facts that I must know, I think I would be able to learn well from an Ipod because it would be interesting to be able to listen to the spokesperson wherever and whenever I want. If I forgot what he said during one of my in class seminars and was stuck because of this, I wouldn’t be able to find out unless I went to another seminar or asked him in person but having a Pod Cast is much more efficient and I could listen to the seminar over and over again until I fully understand it.

Another way that I think I would learn well using an iPod is because I think I need breaks and sometimes I can’t listen to long lectures but having it on an Ipod may make it more interesting because of the fact that I can learn using an iPod! I can usually understand a lot better if I work hands on because I can actual analyze what I’m doing. For example, in science, sometimes the only way to learn how a chemical reacts is to do a lab and find out with my own experience. If I have the iPod in my hands, it is kind of the same as hands on because it is right in front of me.

A reason that I think I would not be able to learn well on the other hand is that i may get sidetracked by using my iPod too much since it could be used as a media entertainment system. I'm sure. if i get bored i will decide to switch to a movie or listen to music and listen for a while which would make me forget what i learned and maybe not want to ever go back. In a way, learning in a real classroom is much better because in a classroom, you can't just leave whatever you want or just stop listening and watch a movie without the teacher knwoing - hopefully!

So, in my case, I would prefer to get my seminars in a classroom instead of on an iPod but for those who have a longer attention span and can focus themselves on one subject without getting distracted, this is a great innovative idea to learn. For the most part, i think this is a good idea and they should continue but for myself ill stick with the old style of learning from a teacher who says it only once and will probably bore me to death buts its better than wasting my time and never getting to the point.


At 3:27 PM, Blogger Craz.E Freak said...

A few grammar mistakes, and you really should stand on one side of the problem in this type of format. It really ruins the thesis, but otherwise good journal!

At 8:10 PM, Blogger Justine T said...

I completely agree with you and I stand by you due to the fact that I personally would not be able to use an iPod without getting distracted, therefore I support seminars being held within the classroom. However, I also understand the facts that you have stated wherein iPods could be beneficial to users that could focus. At Mary Ward, I have not personally met a lot of people that would have the determination and drive to focus. I believe that replacing live seminars with the accessibility of an iPod would not be the greatest idea... (taking into considering the extreme procrastiation present within our independent-learning school). This post is well-written Ryan! Keep up the good work.

At 8:45 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hi Ryan,
I enjoyed reading your article. Lioke you, I would also prefer use an ipod for seminars. Because there is a small chance that you will be going toa seminar where you do now know anythign at all is minimal, then the stuff you do not need to learn or review can be skipped. Esspecialy at Mary Ward where some courses have mandatory seminars, the ipod classroom would greatly benefit me.

At 5:19 PM, Blogger Jaira said...

I like your post about an Ipod Classroom. I would do the exact same thing if I were to use an Ipod for my seminars, because of it's constant availability. Well written post. =)


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